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RoGBC Related

RoGBC Related

Conference - The Truth About Energy  
Location : InterContinental Hotel, Fortuna Hall
From: Tuesday 25 June 2013, 08:30
To: Tuesday 25 June 2013, 14:30
The RoGBC supports the The Truth About Energy - Romania's energy future has long arrived conference organized by  Romanian Bussiness Digest.
Romanian Business Digest dedicates its second printed edition and the second event of this year's series to Energy.
There are scores of questions out there and there could also be investors ready to pour in with money if the setup is right. The country needs, more than ever before, a sound energy strategy that can secure its future and that is precisely what the June 2013 edition of the Romanian Business Digest wants to tap into with the qualified help of those who really can have a say. 
Among the topics for discussion:
  • How much money does Romania really need to revamp or replace its obsolete power producers and why would investors or banks be interested?
  • How can Romania secure the huge amounts needed to revamp its energy industry production units?
  • How quickly would a full price and export liberalization impact on investors' decision to build new power plants in Romania? Can the population bear it? What are the real solutions?
  • What would be the perfect mix of conventional fuels in Romania 10, 20 and 50 years from now and why?  
  • How can oil and gas today help build the future when they shall no longer exist?  
  • How quickly can the "real" natural gas interconnections happen and why are they so important?
Detail about the event agenda and spekers you can find HERE..
Book your place now for the Romanian Business Digest conference HERE. and for the RoGBC members you can book with special prises HERE.
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