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RoGBC Related

RoGBC Related

Green Homes Certification  
Location : online, in English
From: Friday 27 September 2024, 10:00
To: Friday 27 September 2024, 13:00

This course will be in English.

The Romania Green Building Council has developed a low-cost but comprehensive Green Homes certification to assess and recognize the top-performing residential projects utilizing sustainable construction principles. Financial and technical modeling have proven that investing in sensible measures for energy efficiency and other green building attributes for homes will improve housing quality, reduce the total monthly cost of ownership for the homeowner, allow for higher sales prices for the project developer/investor, and substantially reduce the financial risk for the bank offering the mortgage on the home.

Over fifty residential projects representing over 10,000 residential units, with a combined market value of approximately 2 billion euros, have been certified or in-process to obtain the certification across Romania. Download here the RoGBC Green Homes & Green Mortgages Toolkit for Residential Investors.

RoGBC offers this course– relevant to all persons working in the residential building community - to explain the program and the details necessary to build high-performing green homes. Interested persons can also complete this course in addition to four other courses to obtain the “Green Homes Accredited Specialist” designation.

Topics include:

  • What is the EU Taxonomy Regulation?  Why is EU Taxonomy alignment important?
  • What are green homes certifications?  Some examples in use.
  • How are green homes certification systems – along with other internationally recognized systems -able to assure EU Taxonomy Alignment? 
  • What is the Level(s) framework for green building rating tools?

The prices for attending this course are:
RoGBC member -  150 RON
Non-member  -  200 RON
Student - 80 RON

Click here to register and to see full program discounts. If you wish to participate in this course, please send the completed registration form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Participants can also follow the course online via a link that will be provided to them.


Elena Rastei, Green Homes Technical Coordinator, Romania Green Building Council 

Environmental activist and sustainability specialist with over 10 years of experience in sustainability and green building certification systems such as LEED and BREEAM at both national and international level. Elena is the technical coordinator for the GREEN HOMES certification which certified or is in the process of certifying over 6000 homes.

She is the author of several articles and guides on the topic of green buildings, circular economy in buildings, zero waste cities and clean energy; she lectured for two years in “Urban Sustainability”- post-graduate program at the Technical University of Cluj Napoca.

She is the co-founder for Zero Waste Romania and a member of the board of directors for Zero Waste Europe. Some of her selected work in the circular economy field includes the addition to the national waste legislation of the „pay as you throw„ instrument, technical support in elaboration of local legislation regarding pollution prevention on construction sites and bespoke zero waste plans for cities across Romania. Elena's studies include Master’s programs in sustainability, environmental engineering and architecture.


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