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RoGBC Related

RoGBC Related

Smart Cities CEE 2019  
Location : Cluj-Napoca, Romania
From: Wednesday 16 October 2019, 00:00
To: Wednesday 16 October 2019, 00:00

What's SMARTCITIES CEE all about?

City leaders need new ways of thinking about planning, designing & building our cities - putting the citizen & liveability at the heart of all future projects, developments & transformations. Every city or municipality is different, with different challenges and a different culture - for cities to become really smart they must embrace their unique context.

Every city or municipality is different, with different challenges and a different culture - for cities to become really smart they must embrace their unique context. Technology is an enabler, not the solution, the people must come first.


Inspiring Speakers

Smart Cities CEE conference offers you the opportunity to hear from 30+ speakers across 2 stages with over 800 minutes of content and networking. Whether you are interested in hearing from politicians, smart city project leaders, academia or industry then we have something for you.

What questions must you ask when starting a smart city project? How can you create a culture of innovation that encourages innovation, failure & citizen participation?

SMART CITIES CEE will address the big questions that city leaders face when they are planning their city of the future - governance, digitalisation, citizen happiness, climate change, health, liveability & more.

Our speakers do not promise to have all of the answers, but through knowledge sharing, networking & collaboration the vision of tomorrow can become a reality.


More details about the conference and registration on the event page.
