Ciprian Șipoș Interiors
Ciprian Șipoș has 13 years of experience as a stylist in the fashion industry. In 2013, he started his interior design studies for 4 years in Barcelona, at Instituto Europeo di Disegn, focusing on the principles of green circular design and on the integration of reused, organic and recycled materials and products in interior spaces.
In London, at IED/ECT/extra curriculum specialty, he pursued a specialization in colour based on the formulas of William Morris. Together with Vitra he envisioned the “Spaces of the Future (2040)” and developed the concept of future design thinking.
In his projects, Ciprian included reuse as a basic principle in the renovation and space layout, from offices and homes, to complex multifunctional spaces. He created spaces based on circular design, with the help of modern technologies.