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SMAFIN Expanded Project

The SMAFIN Expanded project is a continuation and enhancement of previous efforts to promote smart financing for energy efficiency investments across various sectors, including the tertiary sector and SMEs. Building on the success of the original SMAFIN roundtables, this expanded initiative welcomes Slovenia alongside Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, and Romania to create a more inclusive and effective platform for energy renovation discussions.

SMAFIN Expanded aims to support energy-efficient renovation for both private and public buildings while encouraging investments in SMEs and the tertiary sector. The project focuses on creating opportunities for collaboration, knowledge transfer, and the implementation of smart financing models to ensure that energy efficiency is effectively integrated into policies and practices across multiple regions.

Recognizing the need for deeper investigation into energy efficiency topics and stakeholder privacy, the project employs thematic working groups. These groups tackle sector-specific challenges and foster collaboration, ensuring that energy financing strategies are tailored to the needs of each participant.

The project also introduces cross-country labs designed to share best practices and introduce innovative financing solutions for energy efficiency. These labs serve as a bridge to transfer knowledge between EU countries and beyond, helping to establish common responses to energy challenges while promoting cooperation within the broader Balkan region.

SMAFIN Expanded brings together a diverse range of stakeholders, including government bodies, financial institutions, ESCOs, industry representatives, SMEs, and citizen associations. The project aims to upgrade policy measures, develop financial instruments, and support large-scale investment programs that mobilize private funding for energy efficiency improvements.


​You can find more details about the program by accessing the dedicated website.
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