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Green Finance

For partner banks, RoGBC certification serves as the primary indicator for evaluating completed residential projects. It verifies that the project meets all required criteria for obtaining a Green Real Estate Loan.

Creditul ipotecar Alpha Green


Green homes are an essential step towards a sustainable future. By opting for an ecological home, you benefit from a healthy and comfortable lifestyle, contribute to protecting the environment and achieve significant savings in the long term thanks to reduced utility and maintenance costs.

Advantageous Interest: Fixed margin reduced compared to the standard offer, starting from 2.50%/year.

Commission Discounts: File analysis and annual credit administration commission reduced by 50%.

Long Repayment Period: You can choose a repayment period of up to 35 years, adapted to your needs and possibilities.

Generous Financing: Alpha Bank finances up to 85% of the collateral value for loans in lei and up to 80% for those in euros.

Flexibility in Determining Income: Your income is essential for determining the amount of credit you can access, thus providing you with a personalized financial solution.

imobiliar-ipotecar verde

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Investing in a green home represents a commitment to a sustainable future, offering a healthier, more comfortable environment with reduced impact on nature. In addition to the environmental benefits, this choice also brings significant long-term savings.


Preferential Interest: Enjoy an advantageous interest rate starting from 2.85% per year.

Commissions Discount: 50% discount on file analysis and annual credit management fees.

Extended Financing: You can obtain up to 85% of the collateral value for loans in lei and up to 80% for those in euros.

Repayment Flexibility: Choose a repayment period of up to 35 years to better manage your budget.

Personalized Counseling: Benefit from support and counseling throughout the entire lending process, to make the best financial choices.

Casa Mea Natura Loan


Why choose a Green Home with Casa Mea Natura? Because it is certified by the Romania Green Building Council and represents a sustainable investment in your future, offering a healthier and more comfortable life, reducing the impact on the environment and generating long-term savings.

Competitive interest: Reduced margin starting from 2.35%/year for income brought to BCR.

Reduced commissions: 50% reduction in standard file analysis and annual credit management commissions.

Long repayment period: You can opt for a period of up to 35 years.

Generous financing: Up to 85% of the collateral value for loans in lei and up to 80% for those in euros.

Energy certification: The home must have a class A energy certification and be built after 2000 or certified by the Romania Green Building Council.

Mandatory insurance: Life insurance and home insurance for the entire loan period, with the option to choose any authorized insurance company.

 Habitat Verde Loan


If the home you want to purchase is a sustainable home, certified as green by RoGBC, the Habitat Verde loan helps you fulfill your plan.

Advantageous interest rates: If you bring a minimum 20% down payment. In addition, you have interest rates adapted to your needs - fixed or variable interest throughout the period, or fixed interest in the first 3 and variable thereafter. In the case of variable interest loans, the interest starts from IRCC + 2.15%, or from 5.45% fixed interest in the first 3 years, followed by variable interest IRCC + 2.19% or from 6.65% for loans with fixed interest throughout the loan period.

Free appraisal: You benefit from a free property appraisal, when the appraisal is carried out by an appraiser appointed by the bank

Minimum 15% down payment: If you are purchasing your first home. A down payment of min. 20% brings you lower interest rates.

Financial approval: You benefit from a financial pre-approval valid for 90 days, so you have time to find your suitable green home

Loan amount: It is a loan in RON with a minimum value of 10,000 euros (the equivalent in RON). The maximum value depends on the value of the collateral provided

Credit Imobiliar Casa Eco

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 Unele lucruri se întâmplă natural, la timpul lor. Și niciun moment nu e mai potrivit decât acum. Mai ales când vine vorba de alegeri eco-prietenoase pentru tine È™i viitorul familiei tale. Suntem aici să îÈ›i facem cunoÈ™tință cu noul credit Casa Eco.


De ce să alegi o locuință verde certificată de Romania Green Building Council?

  • Economii pe termen lung prin costuri reduse la utilități È™i cheltuieli mai mici cu întreÈ›inerea casei

  • Un trai mai sănătos È™i mai confortabil pentru tine È™i familia ta

  • Responsabilitate faţă de planetă È™i generaÈ›iile viitoare (protejezi mediul înconjurător, optimizezi consumul de resurse naturale È™i contribui la combaterea schimbărilor climatice)

Verde Credit


Why choose a Green Home with Libra Bank's Green Credit? Because it is a smart investment in a sustainable future, offering healthy living and reduced long-term costs through energy savings.

Competitive interest: Variable, starting at 2.75% + IRCC.

Generous financing: Minimum advance of 15% for income from Romania and 20% for income from abroad.

No commissions: Zero file analysis and administration commission.

Long repayment period: Flexibility and accessibility in loan payment.

ProGreen Loan


Have you found the house you've always dreamed of and is it also Class A or RoGBC energy certified? The next step is to apply for a ProGreen real estate loan at ProCredit Bank and enjoy advantageous conditions!
ProGreen Real Estate RoGBC
For homes certified by the Romania Green Building Council, the conditions become even more advantageous! You can benefit from an even lower interest rate:

✔ Interest for loans granted in LEI:

mixed: fixed in the first 3 years 4.89%, then variable for the rest of the period IRCC + 2.10%

variable: IRCC + 1.99%

✔ Interest for loans granted in EURO:

variable: EURIBOR 6M + 2.35%

✔ ZERO analysis, evaluation and registration fees
✔ Extended lending period – up to 30 years for more flexibility
✔ Minimum down payment of only 15% of the property value

Creditul imobiliar
Casa Ta Verde


Green homes are the ideal investment in a sustainable and environmentally friendly future. By opting for a green real estate loan, you contribute to protecting the environment, save in the long term and benefit from a healthier and more comfortable life. In addition, it is certified by the Romania Green Building Council.

Advantageous interest: Advantageous fixed interest for the first few years, followed by a variable interest adjusted to market indicators.

Commission discounts: Benefit from discounts on loan analysis and administration fees.

Flexible repayment period: You can opt for a repayment period of up to 30 years.

Generous financing: Raiffeisen Bank finances up to 85% of the property value.

Specialized consulting: Access to personalized consulting to choose the financial solution that best suits your needs.

 Vista Green Home Loan

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Why choose a Green Home? Because it is the ideal investment in a better future. It ensures a healthier and more comfortable life, a minimal impact on the environment and, last but not least, it brings long-term savings through reduced costs for utilities and repairs.

Fixed margin reduced compared to the standard one, starting from 2.35%/year, if you come with your monthly income to Vista Bank;

50% discount on standard file analysis and annual credit management fees;

You can opt for a long repayment period – up to 35 years;

We finance up to 85% of the collateral value for loans in lei and up to 80% for those in euros;

Your income is essential for determining the amount of credit you can access.

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