Termen-limită pentru depunerea cererile de ofertă CoME EASY
Wed, Jul 10
|Sediul RoGBC
The Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC) is seeking competitive offers to assist in the implementation of the CoME EASY project. DUE DATE OF OFFERS: 10 July 2019 @ 6pm EET
Jul 10, 2019, 8:00 AM – Jul 11, 2019, 6:00 PM
Sediul RoGBC, Strada Argentina 43, București, Romania
Această ofertă va trebui să fie prezentată în limba engleză și necesită un nivel ridicat scris și de comunicare în engleză și română pentru a efectua lucrarea.
The Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC) is seeking competitive offers to assist in the implementation of the CoME EASY project.
DUE DATE OF OFFERS: 10 July 2019 @ 6pm EET
CoME EASY’s objective is to promote, facilitate and extend the engagement of local public authorities in setting up and implementing sustainable and effective energy efficiency and climate action plans according to EU targets by applying a combination of synergistic supportive tools and initiatives. The CoME EASY project will provide municipalities with supporting tools for developing, monitoring and achieving their goals on energy and climate policy.
See: www.RoGBC.org AND
The main objecitve of the work to be contracted out by RoGBC is for a company or expert(s) to assist Amassador Cities in Romania– including Iasi and Vama Buaului – in preparation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) and subsequent roll out of the planned activities.
The work will be subcontracted to the successful candidate
The following criteria will be sole criteria used to score the submitted offers and award the contract:
- Relevance of company’s expertise to the project requirements
- Value Offered for the established Price of the offer
- Expectation that selected company can successfully complete the work at the required level of quality and the established timeframe.
- Absence of any Conflicts of Interest from the company or experts residing within that company with respect to the project objectives.
Total Value of the Contract (VAT inclusive): 23.000 EUROs Timeframe: From Present until June 2021
More details of the work related to this contract:
Development of energy and climate plans in line with other initiatives This task consists in applying and fine-tuning the new methods and tools with the ambassador municipalities to produce a SECAP or revise a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) to a SECAP. The task includes the calculation of the Baseline Emission Inventories (BEI) based on actual territorial energy consumption data and a revised action plan to EU 2030 targets that includes the adaptation plan, done with the upgraded Energy Management Tool (EMT) during a yearly review or during initial assessment of a 4-year European Energy Award (EEA) cycle, as may be the case.
Tasks include:
- Carry out an EEA energy review (together with RoGBC) assessing the status of the implementation of energy policy or SEAPs so far;
- Collect relevant data and calculate the emission baseline (deskwork in parallel to the EMT tool in order to validate the accuracy of the tools);
- Develop SECAPs defining planned actions with the help of the action groups assessing the effects of proposed actions on the climate and energy reduction path using the emission inventories evaluator;
- Validate compatibility with Covenent of Mayors (CoM) SECAP requirements and formats.
Calculations of KPIs During the BEI and SECAP development, the Ambassador municipalities also collect necessary data for calculation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). In order to facilitate the work of local authorities, where possible, links to the EMT database, information about main data sources and guiding standard values on national level are provided for the calculation of certain KPIs.
The indicators will be calculated from real data related to all the sectors involved collected before.
Collection of the first best practices from Ambassador cities As with the calculation of KPIs, in every Ambassador city 3 best practices are collected during the BEI and SECAP development and filled-in the template format of CoME EAsy. The best practices will all be translated to English.
Feedback from the Ambassador cities and the advisors Feedback from the field will be collected and analysed in detail to allow the finalisation of the procedures and the tools tested in the first part. A record of advisors and municipalities’ inputs and suggestions from the consortium partners will be provided and analysed to assess the effectiveness of the package and the further optimisation potential.
Monitoring of Ambassador cities’ achievements The actual evaluation of the impacts that the specific implemented projects have at the city level will be carried out.
The impact will be evaluated with different tools and from different perspectives to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the SECAPs complex strategy and integrated actions that includes:
- qualitative monitoring based on the EEA: following the EEA procedure, the short term plans as well as the assessment tool will be updated by the energy team to highlight the steps done;
- quantitative analysis of SECAPs based on the Monitoring Emmissions Inventory (MEI) software where at least another complete emission inventory will be calculated to appreciate the achievements compared to the baseline;
- framework quantitative analysis based on the selected set of city level KPIs: following recognized methodologies for impact evaluation, both for direct, indirect, and induced impact of the plan, a complete set of KPIs will be constantly updated to monitor trends. As an example, direct impacts will be in relation to energy savings, direct job creation, and environmental impacts in relation to the technical performance of the projects implemented in the period.
Indirect impacts will be for example those associated to external effects of SECAPs actions not directly monitored, as can be the impact of measures on citizens health or wellbeing, or other measurable impact such as socioeconomic effects one-step behind in the supply chain, such as job creation on service suppliers, contractors, etc. Induced impacts of the SECAPs actions will have into account the effect of the actions on the city performance, not directly or indirectly related to the project actions but as the result of the overall improvement of the city socioeconomic performance.
Implementation of the package in further municipalities The availability of innovative tools and the presence of cities that have completed the test will facilitate the adoption of energy planning tools in the various regions. The success elements will be provided in the open platform as summarized below:
- The Emission inventories monitoring & assessment tool (MEI) interface
- A benchmarking section where KPIs are collected and exposed by theme
- The BP library organised following the EEA assessment tool structure and themes
- A GIS map connected with the best practices library
- A cooperation section with links to the EU initiatives
- Guidelines and supporting docs.
Questions related to this Request for Offers can be submitted up until 5 July 2019 at 6pmEET. All offers sent prior to 6pm EET on 10 July 2019 will be considered. Send questions and offers to info@RoGBC.org.
Contact info@rogbc.org