CoME EASY is a project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, which aims to promote, facilitate, support and extend the commitment of local public authorities to a sustainable and responsible energy and climate policy, in line with EU objectives. .
CoME EASY provides a comprehensive, efficient and easy-to-apply support toolkit that paves the way for local authorities to unite and synthesize the advantages, strengths and unique features of internationally recognized energy management and climate policy approaches. and national. The requirements of initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors (CoM), the European Energy Awards (EEA), ISO, Smart City will be regulated and harmonized to strengthen municipal commitment to EU objectives and increase synergies. Through project support tools, municipalities can achieve better results with less effort and to improve their energy efficiency and climate policy at the local level.
The project is being developed by 13 partners from seven countries: Spes Consulting (Italy), Ademe (France), Austrian Energy Agency, Enco Energy Consulting AG (Switzerland), B. & SU mbH (Germany), KlimaHaus Agentur (Italy), MT Partenaires Engineering (France), The European Energy Award (Switzerland), myenergy (Luxembourg), the Romanian Council for Green Buildings (Romania), Energieinstitut Vorarlberg (Austria), WIENFLUSS (Austria) and the Réidener Kanton Intercommunal Union (Luxembourg).
More details can be found on the project page below.