Circular BIM
The educational platform focused on advanced strategies for reframing construction materials in the industrial value chain to promote the transition to the circular economy by using BIM learning technologies
The raw materials present on the planet are a limited resource and, in many cases, irrecoverable, which is why the current consumption pattern is destroying many of these resources. Therefore, investment in research is needed to promote new production models based on the revaluation and reuse of industrial waste. This approach encourages the study and search for new markets for these recovered resources, considered as waste. In this way, industries are encouraged to adapt to the circular economy model, providing environmental, social, and economic benefits essential for our planet.
Traditionally, the productive model that supported the growth system of our society was based on the use of various available resources, which, after their introduction into the production chain and subsequent incorporation into the consumer chain, lost their properties and became waste. The inevitable destination was the landfill, thus perpetuating the paradigm of the linear economy that predominates in today's productive industry.
The main problem underlying this linear system is the unsustainable consumption of resources, leading to pollution, accumulation of unused waste, exploitation of resources beyond their regeneration rate, and resource depletion due to excessive consumption. The key to initiating the waste transition process is the synergy between the waste generated by a technological process and useful renewable waste.
According to the latest data provided by the EC on the circular economy, waste avoidance, greening, reuse, and other similar measures could save EU companies 8% of annual turnover, while reducing total annual greenhouse gas emissions by 2-4%. Moreover, the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) can change the way architects and engineers work. This tool is able to present a three-dimensional design from the beginning of the project and provides information about each element that makes up the project. It facilitates the design, construction, and operation of a construction project.
The idea of this project is to integrate all these elements into one software called CircularBIM - an open educational resource where you can find information about green buildings, techniques for the use and reuse of building materials, and waste reduction. Additionally, you can access free software to practice and obtain construction techniques that facilitate the reuse of materials used in buildings.
In conclusion, the project unifies ILO and techniques for the revaluation and reuse of construction materials to create a useful tool for students and professionals in the construction sector (architecture, engineering, and construction) to implement in their daily work.
The main objectives are:
Raising awareness of the circular economy in the construction sector
Reducing the production of waste from construction materials
Reducing waste in the construction sector by reincorporating it into the value chain
Providing information on the possibility of revaluing each element
Offering free access to software for consulting and using techniques or methods for reusing building materials